Ask-A-Boss: #002 Finding Time To Network

Hi Naomi,
I’ve been working 3rd shift at my hotel job while attending classes during the day. I’m doing really well with my studies and my managers are happy with the work I do. But lately I’ve been feeling as though all I do is the bare minimum at work and haven’t made any new connections that could help my future. I don’t know how to network on the job or even in my field. Where should I even start?
— Newbie At Networking

Ah yes, my 3rd shift crew. First of all, I salute you working those late hours. Not everyone can hang.

Your calendar is a key tool to assist you with this dilemma so utilize it! Check your hotel’s property or corporate calendar for upcoming professional events so you can plan ahead to attend one that fits your schedule and serves your network needs.

Keep in mind you don’t have to stay for the whole event. Ask event coordinators for tips on which important people are arriving early or may stay later based on the event’s agenda or speaker itinerary. Find the sweet spot and plan accordingly.

Also, you could be proactive and plan your own event or take the office assistant out for lunch. She will be sure to spill any tea about new openings, opportunities, or leadership changes before it hits the press!

Good luck with your studies and networking. Remember, it takes more time and skill to build a seven layer cake than a sheet cake, but the results will be worth it.

Get it done,



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