Ask-A-Boss #014 Habits, Not Resolutions by Naomi D Brown

two habits to improve your business

have you botched your resolutions already? As important and motivating as it can be they say it takes 30 days to develop a habit. It is a game that is a losing one. Join the HerCorner Habit. Report how/what you did or did not do to change your habits we all may have several things we wish we could. What one habit do you currently have that's not benefiting your business?


  • Taking calls during a ...

  • Answering text during a meeting

  • Cutting people off

I'm guilty of all three. We may not be able to change all our bad habits at once but what about one for 60/90 days? Ever heard the old phrase "the way to get over an old boyfriend is to get under another one". HAH! (Rated R) Well at HC we are going to try that by creating new habits that effectively help you grow.


  • Timely email responses

  • look at your financials every Wednesday

  • Talk/meet 1 new person a week

  • Spend 1 hour a week only prospecting

  • Don't look at your phone when you wake up

  • Post on socials 2x a week


Ask-A-Boss #015 It Cost To Be The Boss by Naomi D Brown


Ask-A-Boss #013-3 Questions For Growing & Scaling Your Business