Ask-A-Boss #017 Faith In Business by Naomi D Brown

We are often told in business to stay away from conversations on religion and politics. Those of you who know me, know that I tend to go against the grain a bit. That’s why at Her Corner, we are happy to say that we work to build an environment where women of all faiths or atheists can connect and feel free to bring their entire selves to the table to help each other on a deep level despite their differences.

We have learned that there is more that unites us than what divides us. As usual, women are leading the way in society to show that our personal choices can help to make informed business decisions. Still not convinced?

Here are some examples where considering other’s faith maybe help your bottom line:

Clients - It would not be such a great idea to schedule a meeting in the middle of Passover. It could be considered offensive.

Staff —A simple acknowledgment of a holiday that may be observed by one of your staff could make them feel seen and understand what matters to them, matters to you.

Overall operations - More and more attention is being paid to company culture and how companies run their businesses. Who will accept job offers, and who will purchase from you can be closely tied to how you treat and handle Diversity.

In honor of this special and rare time in history where Easter, Passover, and Ramadan overlap, I want to wish everyone a Happy Holy Season. If you haven’t taken the opportunity, please connect with someone who is not in your ordinary friend's space. Know that the reason we are so successful as a community is that women like you are showing faith in each other and faith in yourselves in this tremendous journey of running a business. Faith is a constant theme that runs through all of us. So don’t be afraid to have a little “Faith” in Business.


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